Bournemouth 2008 Critique
I would like to thank the Bournemouth Canine Society for inviting me to give CCs for the first time at their Championship Show, also all the exhibitors who supported me creating a lovely atmosphere at a wet and windy showground! A most enjoyable experience.
PD. (3). 1. Sannon’s, Erewhon Dambuster. Well grown puppy 9 months old with masculine head, dark eyes and lovely soft expression. Good bone and well knuckled feet. Moved freely with drive and extension. BP. 2. Murray’s, Moireach Coll. Good sized youngster of 9 months. Nice head with small ears and dark eyes. Strong neck into well laid shoulder. Moved well, not quite the reach of winner.
GD. (6). 1. Peach’s, Kilbourne’s Fire Chief. Well balanced dog. Masculine head with dark eyes, neat ears and typical expression. Good shoulder leading to strong legs and well knuckled feet. Good spring of rib, ribs carried well back. Correct rise over loin and fall away to correctly set tail. Coat harsh. Moving straight and true, showing both reach and drive. 2. Piggott’s, Greyzion Blythe Spirit. Tall elegant pale grey dog covering a lot of ground when standing. Attractive head with dark eyes. Strong neck into well laid shoulder. Correct front and rear angulation with good length from hip to hock. Moved well though at times a little erratic.
PGD. (9). 1. Helps’, Greyfriars Gillie of Beardswood. Good sized dog with dark harsh coat. Masculine head with dark eyes, would have preferred slightly smaller ears. Strong neck into well laid shoulders. Good front assembly with forechest. Adequate spring of rib reaching well back. Correct topline. Moved freely with reach and drive. 2. Buck’s, Tomegen Dumbledore. Tall dog with serious expression, nice head though ears could be smaller. Strong neck into well laid shoulder. Good topline held on the move. Harsh coat of correct length and texture. Moved well despite rather large flat feet.
LD. (9). 1. Owen and Brodie’s, Wolfcastle Wood Melick. Pale grey dog with lovely head and expression. Strong neck into well laid shoulder. Correct topline and tail carriage. Nice underline and tuck up. Adequate bone, neat knuckled feet. Moved freely striding out well. RCC. 2. Llewellyn’s, Kilbourne Macallan at Matahari. Bigger dog than the winner with similar attributes. Movement sound and true, but reluctant at times to fully extend.
OD. (7). 1. Help’s, Ch. Beardswood Marmion. Tall proud and elegant dog covering a lot of ground when standing. Attractive masculine head with serious expression. Strong neck into well laid shoulder, deep chest with good spring of rib. Correct topline which was held on the move. Nice tuck up, broad strong quarters. Lovely length from hip to hock. Floated round the ring with a long stride, demonstrating both reach and drive. CC and BOB. 2. Guise’s, Saintvalery Dazzler. Smaller and of lighter bone than winner, but a well balanced hound which moved effortlessly round the ring showing drive and reach. Masculine head, dark eye and neat ears held correctly. Long strong neck, good overall shape, curves in all the right places. Neatest of feet.
PB. (9). 1. Gilhooly’s, Freyja at Nobys. Delightful puppy of just over 8 months. Pretty head, dark eyes with enquiring expression, ears could be smaller. Good bone. Nice body shape. Knuckled feet. Moved well enjoying herself. 2. Tresh’s, Trendale Glamis. 11 months old. Nice head and appealing expression. Again ears could be smaller. Similar attributes to winner. Moved freely with good length of stride, true coming and going. Just preferred overall balance of winner.
JB. (4). 1. Parson and McKinnon’s, Claonaiglen Mallie. Very pretty bitch with dark eyes, small ears and typical expression. Well proportioned and balance bitch, curves where they should be. Moved freely and true. Showed good reach and drive. Held topline. 2. Peach’s, Witch Way to Kilbourne. Another well balanced hound. Slightly larger than winner. Has pretty head with a dark eye and serious expression. Strong neck into good shoulder placement. Good front and rear assembly. Pushed hard for first place. Just preferred movement of winner on the day. Sure they will change places another day.
GB. (6). 1. Owen and Brodie’s, Marandike Ebonys Choice to Wolfscastle. Substantial dark bitch. Feminine head with dark eyes and neatly folded ears. Strong neck into good shoulder placement. Plenty of bone. Well sprung ribs carried well back. Lovely hindquarters with good width and length from hip to hocks. Moved well straight and true using the ring well. Has a tendency to flatten back at times. 2. Bye’s, Jamalison Anthem. Pretty bitch with typical faraway expression. Long strong neck, perhaps a little straight in upper arm. Good bone and well knuckled feet. Harsh coat of correct length. Moved well.
PGB. (13). 1. Morrisey and Blackford’s, Beardswood Minna at Hartvalley. Pretty mature bitch. nice head with neat ears and dark eyes. Displaying the faraway look that is so much a ‘Deerhound’. Adequate length of neck leading to correct shoulder placement. Straight legs with good bone. Knuckled feet. Good angulations throughout. Moved freely holding topline, showing both reach and drive. 2. Barter’s, Stainlonan Bit of Ehlaradawn. Pale grey bitch of good proportions. Pretty head with typical expression. Good bone throughout. Correct underline and topline with correctly set tail. Coat harsh to touch and of correct length. Moved well, but not the drive of winner.
LB. (13). 1. Girling’s, Pyefleet Rokesby. Good sized bitch with dark eye and correctly folded ears. Strong neck into good shoulder, good front and rear assembly with broad flat bone. Coat harsh to touch and of correct length. Sailed effortlessly round the ring demonstrating reach and drive. Could certainly do the job she was bred for. RCC. 2. Peach’s, Ch. Pingleholl Ruby to Kilbourne. Very pretty young bitch with delightful expression, nice dark eyes and small ears. Everything in proportions. Good bone and feet. Lovely topline with fallaway and correct tail set. Moved true and willingly, but not the reach or drive of winner on the day.
OB. (8). 1. Bailey’s, Ch. Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. Beautiful bitch. Curves in all the right places. Such a pretty head with dark eyes and small ears and an appealing expression. Strong neck leading to good shoulder. Correct under and topline. Gentle fall away and good tail set. Moved with elegance showing both drive and reach, holding topline on the move. CC. 2. Bailey’s, Ch. Greyflax a Kind of Magic. Another beautiful bitch from this kennel, so similar to winner. More substantial, but to my eye not quite the elegance of winner.
Gill Smith